Pre Anaesthetic Assessment Form Updates – 2023

There is a more recent update to our Preoperative Assessment form. To see the latest updates, please visit or try our Standard Plan’s Preoperative Assessment Form Demo here.

Our Standard Pre Anaesthetic Assessment Form was updated on 9th May 2023 (+ 23rd June 2023 + 26th August 2023). Small improvements were made based on member and patient feedback, and changes were made to make the form more efficient.

Listed below are the changes we made, along with why we felt they were necessary.

As always, please let us know if you have any feedback or suggestions for improvement. Feel free to reply to any email from us or fill out the feedback form here.

The Changes

These changes are already up-and-running on our Standard Plan pre anaesthetic assessment form. Try our Demo form here.

1. Improve – CPAP Warning

Show a warning message asking the patient to bring their mask, machine, and cables to the hospital if they say Yes to having a CPAP machine (after answering Yes to OSA and Yes to being recommended CPAP).

Why? Previously this warning just asked them to bring their CPAP mask to hospital

2. Update – Other Medical Conditions

Add ‘difficulty lying on your back’ and ‘claustrophobia’ to the other medical conditions question.

Why? Member feedback. This request comes from a member who does a lot of eye lists and needs to know if patients have difficulty lying on their back or are claustrophobic.

3. Update – PHI Cover

Expand the private health insurance cover question by asking if the patient has checked with their health fund to see if this procedure is covered.

Why? Member request

4. Update – Medications

Ask patients to list each medication on a new line.

Why? General improvement to help improve the readability of patient responses

5. Update – Diabetes

Add an “Other” option to the diabetes question. If selected, ask for more details.

Why? Member request – they had a patient on non-insulin injections

6. Improve – Save Form

Automatically copy across the patient’s email address to the Save link, which can email them a link to finish the form.

Why? Efficiency improvement

7. Update – Date of Birth

Advise patients they can click on the calendar icon to select the date or simply enter their date of birth into the box.

Why? Patient feedback

8. Improve – DOB Warning

The patient will be warned if they enter a date of birth in the future, or if they are less than 12 months old + selects they are the patient.

Why? Member request. General improvement

9. Update – Palexia

Add Palexia to the Strong opioids list

Why? Premium member customisation (here)

10. Improve – Paragraph Box Sizing

Reduce the size of paragraph boxes from 6 lines to 3 lines, except for questions regarding past procedures, allergies, medications, or other conditions.

Why? Reduce the profile of the page

11. Update – Gastric Band

Modify the question to include the broader term ‘gastric surgery’, then add a description underneath detailing each type of gastric / weight loss surgery, as well as modify the check box field.

Why? One member told us they have seen several patients recently who have undergone weight loss surgery, but who selected “no” for the gastric band surgery question. Knowing that these operations can change stomach anatomy and would affect how you administer anaesthetic, we changed it to something broader to ensure it is picked up on the form.

12. Update – Vaping

Modify the question to include vaping. Plus update the below questions if Yes or No (but previously smoked / vaped) is selected.

Why? A member requested the update and it seemed like a great idea

Send us your Feedback on our Pre Anaesthetic Assessment Form

As always, if you have any ideas on how we can make the pre anaesthetic assessment form work better for you and your patients, please let us know.

If there’s anything you think we’re missing, are doing well, or could do better, please do drop us a line. We’d really love to hear from you!

Or if you are looking to join us, why not try our Demo pre anaesthetic assessment form here.

If you are a Premium member with a customised form, we can add this functionality to your forms too. You can reply to any email from us and we will make these changes for you. Alternatively please visit to see other Premium member changes and fill out the request form.

We are committed to making our pre anaesthetic assessment form as efficient for you as possible. Without you, our wonderful Anaesthetist members, we wouldn’t exist. So if there is anything you think we can do better, please let us know.

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