Anaesthesia Statistics FY19

FY19 Statistics

Ever wondered how many pre-op health questionnaires are received on average per Anaesthetist per month? Or the most popular day to fill in your anaesthetic form is? Site data tells us a lot about our service, who is using it, when and also how. We thought we’d share some of the biggest revelations with you… Perhaps some may even surprise you!

2018 Anaesthetist year in review

2018 Patient Questionnaire Feedback Review

It seems like only yesterday we were excited to see what 2018 would hold. For 2018 so far we have had 3,718 patients fill in the feedback form at the end of the pre-op form. We love receiving feedback, it’s the most efficient way to be shown what we can do to improve. Their site experience means a great deal to us. And we know it matters to you, too. Here’s what they said..

Christmas Dates Anaesthetic Group 2018 2019

Christmas Dates

This year, we’ll be taking a short break during the festive season. Our official office closure dates are Friday 21st December 2018 – Monday 14th January 2019. However, the site will still be live and fully functional. We will still be on call, monitoring the site, performing critical updates and providing any assistance you may need.

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