Updated PES Report

The ANZCA CPD program has been updated
The new ANZCA CPD program no longer uses points – it operates on an annual cycle, with minimum hourly and activity requirements. To see all the current (May 2024) information on ANZCA CPD Patient Experience Surveys please visit our complete and updated page at https://anaestheticgroup.com.au/anzca-cpd-patient-experience-survey/

We know that our service is only ever as good as your opinion of it. Recently, you told us that you’d like a more attractive Patient Experience Survey Summary Report. And you were absolutely right – the old one needed a facelift.

We want our Summary Reports to best showcase the hard work that you do to complete your ANZCA CPD. As such, we’re very happy to announce that our Patient Survey Summary Report has a fresh new look.

Old Summary > New Summary

What’s new in our Patient Experience Survey Summary?

Where your data was previously presented in a list of tables, you’ll now find that your achievements are presented in colourful charts and graphs.

New ANZCA CPD PES Summary Chart

Plus, we’ve created a space in which your appointed Feedback Provider can quote detailed patient feedback.

New ANZCA CPD PES Summary Comments

The reports are much easier to read and compare, and draw out key pieces of feedback to focus on with your Feedback Provider.

New ANZCA CPD PES Summary Compare

What’s more…
The new report format is divided into clear sections, making the information much easier to digest.

New ANZCA CPD PES Summary Chart

Also, the new Summary Report includes useful information to help ANZCA record your CPD activity and those 20 well-deserved credits well-deserved CPD hours. The reports now show the number of forms collected and the date range of the report.  It will be sent to you as a PDF with the signed ANZCA confidentiality and CPD verification form.

How do I encourage patients to complete my PES?

The new form is ready for you to use. All you need to do now is encourage your patients to complete your PES. By far the easiest and most effective method is to let patients know they will be asked to complete a survey following the procedure, and to include the QR code or a simple note on your bill / invoice:

“I hope you had a positive experience with your recent surgery and are recovering well. I’d appreciate it if you could please complete my Patient Experience Survey at anaestheticgroup.com.au/yourshortlink when you have a moment.

As part of the setup process, we will provide you with your short link and QR code.

The simpler you keep the feedback process for your patients, the easier it is to automate it. To see an article on other methods of encouraging Post-Op / PES Feedback please click here. 

If you’d like more information on the ANZCA CPD process, take a look at our complete guide here or the ANZCA website or contact us here.

To kick-start your ANZCA CPD activity, and start receiving Patient Experience Survey forms from your patients, sign up for a membership plan or PES-Only option today.

Sign up to Patient Experience Surveys

Join us now to receive your own Patient Experience Surveys
Once off PES-only Package & Monthly Plans Available

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