Can I Cancel Or Change My Plan?
Our service is flexible, and tailored to you. As such, we make it as simple as possible for you to manage your plan. We’re here to help, not hinder.
Can I change, pause, cancel, or upgrade my plan?
Absolutely. Our flexible pricing plans allow you to change your plan, as your needs change over time. You can choose to upgrade, downgrade, or pause your plan at any time. Click here to change your plan.
Can I cancel or pause my plan whenever I want?
Yes, you can. We don’t believe in lock-in contracts and we bill monthly, to give you flexibility. If you cancel or pause your plan, no further amounts will be charged, until you ask us to restart your account. When you cancel or pause your plan, your forms will remain active until the end of the billing month, or cycle. Your account will revert to the Free Plan, until you ask us to restart it.
To cancel or pause your plan please contact us here or reply to an email we have sent you.
Do you have a maternity / paternity / sabbatical mode?
Congratulations! Yes we do. We understand what it’s like to take a break from paid work, so if you let us know when you’re going on leave, we’ll pause your plan and payments. Please contact us here or reply to an email we have sent you.
What about my personalised email address?
The Free Plan includes a complimentary email address. When you cancel or pause your plan, you’ll revert to the Free Plan, and your personalised email address will continue to work.
If I upgrade, can I downgrade later if I want to?
Of course. Click here to upgrade. If you change your mind at any time, you simply need to email us and we’ll downgrade your account for you.
Please keep in mind that each plan comes with different features and benefits. To compare the plans, click here.
Will there be any fees, if I want to cancel or pause my plan?
No. None at all. We have no lock-in contracts, or fees for cancelling, or pausing your plan.