2014 Patient Questionnaire Feedback Review

It seems like only yesterday we were excited to see what this year would hold. Now, it’s almost over. Although it may feel like the year has flown by, we’ve achieved a great deal in a short period. We’ve welcomed lots of new members and our site has come on in leaps and bounds. While we’re very proud of the service we’ve created, we know that our work is never done.

There’s always something we could improve, streamline or create. That’s why we’re always asking for your feedback. It’s also why we ask your patients for their thoughts, too. After any patient submits a form on our site, we politely ask that they give us feedback on their experience and if there is anything we can do to improve the site.

So far for 2014 we have had 439 patients complete the feedback form at the end of the Pre-Op Questionnaire:

90.7% = 398 people = Loved the site and found it easy
5.5% = 439 people = Thought the site was just OK or identified things we should approve
3.8% = 17 people = Didn’t like the site

anaesthetist patient questionnaire feedback

It’s always fascinating for us to read their comments, and we thought you might like to see these too. Here are some examples of feedback we’ve received this year.

Patient questionnaire feedback comments

  • It was the best, clearest, fastest form I have ever seen,Thanks
  • I do not like computers but this was very easy. Sometimes our service can be unreliable.
  • I have no feedback but found it very simple and efficient to use
  • I have no suggestions as I found the site reasonably easy to complete.
  • No, it’s all good.
  • I thought this was great, very comforting/supportive! Have absolutely no compaints, I especially like the FAQ links in the footer.
  • If I can use it, anybody can!!!
  • It was straightforward
  • No Very easy to fill in and straight forward to follow
  • No, everything was very clear and easy to understand
  • No. It’s perfect.
  • Offer me free chocolate
  • This is a great way to get the information you require to do you job. I can understand though there may be some people unable to use it but I would think that would be a minority.
  • The questions were easy to read and understand.
  • Great questionnaire.
  • Great website
  • I particularly liked the phonecall option “I’m not fussed “!!
  • I thought it was quite straight forward.
  • No found it quite straight forward.
  • Not this time round. It was pretty good and very easy to follow.


Your thoughts

We’d be delighted to hear your thoughts on the site. Perhaps there’s something we could introduce next year that would make your life easier? Or perhaps something isn’t working quite how you’d like it to? Please, don’t hesitate to get in touch!

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