Updates on the Digital Anaesthetic Questionnaire

In September 2024, we updated the digital anaesthetic questionnaire for our Standard Plan. Many changes were made to the questions, including new and extensive changes for paediatric patients (under 14 years of age) – jump to the paediatric modifications.

As all Standard members use the same questionnaires (Full or Non-IFC versions), we are always very cautious about implementing changes. However, several members have requested these changes, and many others have expressed their support for them. Premium Plan member questionnaires have not been changed.

Below is a list of the changes we made, including images and the reason for the changes. As always, if you have any suggestions, please don’t hesitate to let us know. If you are looking to join us, you can try out our updated Demo anaesthetic questionnaire here.

General Changes

These changes are already up-and-running on our Standard Plan questionnaire. Click here to jump to the paediatric modifications

1. Update – Medications (Add Puffers, Ozempic, Uploads)

digital anaesthetic questionnaire medications question

Add “puffers” to the main question and highlight the need to know about any GLP-1 receptor agonists like Ozempic.
Update the “If yes..” detailed question to emphasise the need to know the name, amount, and frequency of medications taken.
Added a feature that allows patients to upload medication lists, Webster-pak photos, and even images of prescription boxes:

digital anaesthetic questionnaire upload medications

2. Add – Open Mouth Fully

digital anaesthetic questionnaire open mouth fully

Add “I am unable to open my mouth fully” to the mouth / teeth / dentition question.
When selected, a “Please provide more details” text box appears.

3. Update – Doctor Details Box

doctor details digital anaesthetic questionnaire

Updated the details box for medical conditions to include, after the request for the specialist’s name, “the reason for the visit(s) and whether there is ongoing follow-up. If you can provide an approximate date of your last visit, that would also be helpful

Updates have been made to all 6 questions on adult health information as follows:

digital anaesthetic questionnaire heart details
digital anaesthetic questionnaire lungs details
digital anaesthetic questionnaire neuro details
digital anaesthetic questionnaire rheumatologist details
digital anaesthetic questionnaire kidney details
digital anaesthetic questionnaire blood details

4. Add – Diabetes Type

digital anaesthetic questionnaire diabetes type

When yes to diabetes is selected, add a question about the “Diabetes type“.

5. Increase – Uploads (12 files)

digital anaesthetic questionnaire  more uploads

The maximum number of files that can be uploaded (in the upload files section) has been increased to 12.

6. Split – Payment Options (WC / DVA)

DVA vs Workers Compensation questionnaire options

Split the old “Workers Compensation / Defence Force account / DVA Gold Card / Third Party Insurance” question into two questions: “Workers Compensation / Third Party Insurance” and “Defence Force account / DVA Gold Card“. Several patients left feedback that they did not find an option to mention they were using their DVA Gold Card. If the patient answers yes to “Workers Compensation / Third Party Insurance“, another box will appear asking for more information.

7. Customise – Non-IFC Standard Questionnaire – Extra Options

Non-IFC digital anaesthetic questionnaire billing

We have two questionnaires available on the Standard plan. One with all the questions (known as the Full questionnaire) and one we call the Non-IFC Questionnaire. The Non-IFC Questionnaire includes removal of the “Would you like an estimate of the Anaesthetic Fee pre-operatively?” and “Preferred method to pay Anaesthetic Fee?” questions.

The following questions can now also be removed from your Non-IFC Questionnaire:

  1. Are you entitled to access Medicare rebates by the Australian Government?” and it’s follow-up questions if yes – “Do you have a My Health Record?” and if yes “Please advise your Medicare Number
  2. Do you have private health insurance?” and it’s follow-up questions if yes “Please provide the name of your health fund and your member number” and “Are you currently covered for in-hospital treatment and this procedure?
  3. Would you like to be contacted by your Anaesthetist prior to your procedure?” can still also be removed

8. Customise – Fee Disclaimer Option

This is NOT shown on Questionnaires by default. This is only an optional question we can add to your form

fee info digital anaesthetic questionnaire

A new optional fee disclaimer consent note is now available for both normal and Non-IFC questionnaires. Please let us know if you would like this added to your form. Please note – The wording cannot be changed. This question is not displayed by default on questionnaires, it is only added on request.

9. Add – Carer Details (If Not Patient)

carer digital anaesthetic questionnaire

An additional text box will appear after the question on “Do you have someone who can pick you up from the hospital and care for you for the first 24 hours after discharge?” if a person other than the patient fills out the form (i.e. “Are you the patient?” is answered “No“). This text field was requested by members, in cases where a different parent or caregiver will care for the patient.

10. Reduce – COVID Questions

covid digital anaesthetic questionnaire

COVID-19 questions have been streamlined. If the patient has had COVID-19 at any time, they will be asked “Have you fully recovered?“. If the patient has had COVID-19 within the last two months, they will still be asked “Please select the date of your diagnosis?“. On your questionnaire notification, the weeks between the date of COVID-19 and the operation date will still be calculated for you. If no operation date is entered, the weeks between COVID-19 and today will be calculated.

covid 2 digital anaesthetic questionnaire

Paediatric Anaesthetic Questionnaire Changes

The below changes to the paediatric anaesthetic questionnaire apply to children under 14 years old, and an extra question for children 5 years old and younger. A new notification is also included for children 2 and under. The changes are now live on all Standard plan questionnaires.

11. Add – Age in Months on Operation Date (if < 2y)

age in months on digital anaesthetic questionnaire

When the patient is 2 years of age or under, their “Age in Months” on the operation date will be calculated and displayed on your notification. This is not shown to patients.

12. Add – Birth Information (if < 5y)

child birth information - digital anaesthetic questionnaire

Add a new question for children under 5 asking if they had a normal birth or if they were preterm, if they spent time in SNU / NICU or if they experienced any perinatal issues during or shortly after birth.

13. Update – Previous Anaesthetic or Previous Hospital Admission

previous admissions

Ask children whether they have ever had an anaesthetic and also we have extended the question to ask whether they “have ever been admitted overnight to hospital“. As part of the description, we also ask if they have ever needed a pre-med or if another Anaesthetist has recommended a pre-med.

14. Update – Allergies

allergies digital anaesthetic questionnaire

The allergy options for children are slightly different, giving the option of “No / Not that I am aware of“.

14. Update – Medications (Puffers)

medications puffers infjections used regularly

Add “puffers” to the medication question. Additionally, the children’s medication questions are different from adults (which ask about GLP-1 / weight loss injections).

15. Update – Unwell Options + Descriptions

unwell options digital anaesthetic questionnaire

Update the description and options for the unwell question to make it more suitable for children.

16. Reduce – Health Information Questions

reduced paediatric digital anaesthetic questionnaire

Remove 7 questions (GORD, Thyroid, Neurological, Rheumatoid, Kidney, Blood Clots, Cancer) to make the health information page more relevant to children, shorter and to prevent unnecessary parent stress.

Add a question asking “Have you been investigated for or diagnosed with a syndrome?

Extend the “other medical conditions” question to include the 7 questions removed “these could include things like neurological conditions (such as cerebral palsy or epilepsy), muscle, stomach, kidney, vascular or thyroid problems, cancer, blood disorders, psychiatric / cognitive / behavioural conditions (such as autism, anxiety or developmental disorders), or anything else that could affect your health or the care you receive from your Anaesthetist“.

17. Update – Teeth + Add Open Mouth Fully

anaesthetic open mouth fully

Add ” I am unable to open my mouth fully” and “no teeth yet” to the teeth / mouth question.
Remove the options for crowns, veneers, implants, bridges, dentures, so it is more relevant to children.

18. Update – Pain Medication Names (Dymadon)

Dymadon digital anaesthetic questionnaire

Add “Dymadon” to the pain reliever options.

Contact Form Changes

19. Update – Contact Form Uploads (Your Profile Contact Form)

The maximum number of files that can be uploaded to your contact form has been increased from 1 to 10. Accepted file types are jpg, gif, png, pdf, jpeg, bmp, txt, doc, docx. The maximum file size is increased to 10 MB.

Not only will patients be able to send you reports and documents at any time, but you’ll also be able to email yourself files from any device (eg. when on public computers at places like airports, hotels, hospitals etc).

Your feedback

If you have any suggestions for how we can improve the digital anaesthetic questionnaire for you and your patients, please let us know. We’d really love to hear from you! We’re always here working on improving your efficiency and
achieving better patient outcomes.

If you are looking to join us, you can try our updated Demo anaesthetic questionnaire here.

For Premium Plan members with customised forms, we can add any of the questions and functionality to your forms too. Simply drop us a line, and we’ll make these changes for you. Or visit our Premium Plan ideas page here for more inspiration on 100+ member changes to the digital anaesthetic questionnaire.

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