Favourites - Commonly used Item Numbers for Dr Gilchrist Please select one of your favourite Item Number combinations Ad & Grom - MBS - 17610, 20120, 20160 (Adenoidectomy and grommets) Ad & Turb - MBS - 17610, 20160 (Adenoidectomy, turbinoplasties) Cataract + IOL - MBS - 17610, 20142 DSA / MRI - MBS - 17610, 21922 ECT - MBS - 17610, 25000, 20104, 23010 ECT >70yo - MBS - 17610, 25015, 25000, 20104, 23010 Endoscopy (Upper) - MBS - 17610, 20740 Endoscopy (Lower) - MBS - 17610, 20810 Endoscopy (U+L) - MBS - 17610, 20740, 20810 Ext of Teeth - MBS - 17610, 22900 (Extraction of teeth) Gynae procedure - MBS - 17610, 20940 Grommets - MBS - 17610, 20120 Grom & Nas - MBS - 17610, 20120, 20160 (Grommets, nasendoscopy) Intracranial vascular procedure - MBS - 17610, 20216, 22012 / 22014, 22025 Microlaryngoscopy - MBS - 17610, 20320 Nasal-sinus - MBS - 17610, 20160 (Nasal-sinus surgery) Navigation Nasal - MBS - 17610, 20162, CV009* (Navigation-guided nasal-sinus surgery) Neuromuscular Electrodiagnosis - MBS - 11021 Review <15 - MBS - 17640 Review 15-30 - MBS - 17645 Septal & Turbinate - MBS - 17610, 20160 T&As - MBS - 17610, 20160, 20170 T&As and turbinate surgery - MBS - 17610, 20160, 20170 T&As + grommets - MBS - 17610, 20120, 20160, 20170 TOE + cardioversion - MBS - 25000, 25020, 17610, 20410, 20520 Tonsillectomy - MBS - 17610, 20170 VEU DSA - MBS - 17610, 20880, 21922 (Varicocele embolisation utilising DSA)