Dr Matt Mathieson
NT - Northern Territory Specialist Anaesthetist (FANZCA, MC-CU, BMBS, Advanced PTeXAM)
My name is Matt and I will be your anaesthetist for your upcoming surgery. I am a specialist anaesthetist working at both the Royal Darwin and Darwin Private Hospitals. I completed my training in Melbourne, Adelaide and Darwin, with sub-specialty fellowships in cardiac surgery, liver transplantation, paediatrics and obstetrics.
My role in your upcoming surgery is to support you, and to ensure that you are comfortable and safe; before, during and after your procedure. Anaesthesia services in Australia are among the best in the world and, for most people, having an anaesthetic is very safe. I will be with you the entire time to ensure that this is the case and that you receive the best possible care.
Pre-Anaesthetic Questionnaire
In order for me to give an anaesthetic which is safe and tailored to your specific needs, it is important for me to know about your previous anaesthetics, past medical history, current medications and allergies.
Please fill out my pre-anaesthetic questionnaire here.
If required, I will contact you prior to your procedure to discuss any issues, including any modification to your regular medications.
• Do not eat for 6 hours prior to your procedure
• Clear fluids (below) can be continued up until 2 hours prior to your procedure
> Water, apple juice, black tea/coffee, clear electrolyte drinks
Most medications can be continued before surgery, including the day of your procedure. Some exceptions are listed below. Your surgeon and I will discuss with you if any medications need to be altered or ceased.
• Diabetes medications (may need to be altered up to 3 days preoperatively)
• Blood thinning medications (may need to be ceased 3-7 days preoperatively)
More information about anaesthesia and preparation for surgery can be found at:
www.asa.org.au/patient-information AND www.anzca.edu.au/patient-information
When you arrive in the recovery room, I will ensure that you are comfortable and feeling like you want to eat and drink again. As the effects of anaesthesia can last up to 24 hours it is important that you don’t drive or sign documents and have a support person during this time.
After your recovery I would be grateful for your feedback to help improve my own practice here.
There are some common (but minor) and rare (but serious) risks that are important to be aware of prior to surgery.
Common Risks:
• Pain, nausea and sore throat
> Often prevented with simple medications given during anaesthesia.
Rare But Serious Risks:
• Allergy, aspiration, awareness under anaesthesia, oral/dental damage, nerve damage, stroke, heart and lung complications.
> These risks can generally be minimised or treated should they occur
Regional Anaesthesia (Spinal/Epidural/Nerve Block)
• Regional anaesthesia is the preferred technique for obstetrics and used for pain relief in combination with general anaesthesia for some surgeries.
> Common risks include shivering, itching and nausea, rare but serious risks include nerve damage (temporary and permanent), bleeding, infection and headache
Transoesophageal echocardiography (TOE):
• If you are undergoing cardiac procedures or extremely high-risk surgery, TOE can be beneficial to help guide clinical decision making. The use of TOE is very safe.
> Common risks include sore throat, uncommon risks include oral/dental damage and rare risks (<1%) include oesophageal perforation.
Anaesthetic fees are separate to those from your surgeon and the hospital. There is usually an out of pocket “gap” payment which depends on the complexity and duration of your surgery. This is a part of your health insurers “known gap” scheme, which is intended to reduce out of pocket costs, and can be up to $500. This fee is a considerable discount from those set by the Australian Medical Association (AMA) and Australian Society of Anaesthetists (ASA).
Approximate gap payments are:
• Minor procedures (ie. colonoscopy, gastroscopy, cataracts etc.): $200-300
• Intermediate procedures (ie. minor colorectal surgery, peripheral surgery): $300-500
• Major procedures (ie. bariatrics, abdominal/thoracic surgery, cardiology procedures): $500
• Self-funded or cosmetic surgery: Dependent on type and length of surgery
All accounts are managed through Medical Billing Experts, which is a medical billing service. They can be contacted on 1300 809 484 or [email protected] for payments and enquiries.
If you have any questions, concerns or require further information, please feel free to contact me via the phone number or email address below. I look forward to meeting and looking after you on your day of surgery.
p: 0404 334 270
e: [email protected]

Dr Matt Mathieson
Dr Matt Mathieson is an Anaesthetist based in NT - Northern Territory Australia.
Pre-Op Questionnaire for Dr Matt MathiesonPatient Experience Survey for Dr Matt Mathieson
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