Dr. Daniel Dallimore
QLD - Brisbane Specialist Anaesthetist (BHB, MBCHB, FANZCA, PGDip Periop Echo)
Pre-Op Questionnaire for Dr. Daniel DallimorePatient Experience Survey for Dr. Daniel Dallimore
Dr. Daniel Dallimore is a specialised Cardiac Anaesthetist who works closely with your cardiologist or cardiac surgeon to ensure your safety and comfort throughout your procedure, be it under “local with sedation” or a general anaesthetic.
All feedback welcome
After your procedure Dr. Dallimore would appreciate you taking just a few minutes to fill out the Patient Experience Survey. Your answers are completely anonymous and will help Dr. Dallimore greatly in improving care for patients in the future.
Dr. Daniel Dallimore
Dr. Daniel Dallimore is an Anaesthetist based in QLD - Brisbane Australia.
Pre-Op Questionnaire for Dr. Daniel DallimorePatient Experience Survey for Dr. Daniel Dallimore