Dr Brent Studd
TAS - Hobart Anaesthetist
Dr Brent Studd is a consultant anaesthetist who will be working with your surgeon for your upcoming procedure.
As an Anaesthetist, Dr Brent Studd is a medical specialist who helps you through your operation. Dr Studd is an Australian doctor who is officially recognised as a consultant in the specialty of anaesthesia. Dr Studd is also a Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists.
If you would like to discuss any aspect of your anaesthetic or if you have any questions either prior to or after your operation, please do not hesitate to contact Dr Brent Studd:
Telephone: (03) 6223 1610
Facsimilie: (03) 6224 0034
The Hobart Anaesthetic Group
303 Macquarie Street,
Hobart, Tasmania 7000

Dr Brent Studd
Dr Brent Studd is an Anaesthetist based in TAS - Hobart Australia.
Pre-Op Questionnaire for Dr Brent StuddPatient Experience Survey for Dr Brent Studd