QR Codes Available

QR codes have quickly become part of our everyday lives. We can now offer you QR codes to direct patients to your profile and forms. What are QR Codes? QR (Quick Response) codes are those black and white square barcodes you see at the entrance of many places like shops, schools and restaurants. Your smartphone’s…

Examples of Premium Preoperative Assessment Form Changes

Premium Plan members can have their preoperative assessment form changed as often as they like. We offer unlimited levels of depth to questions (responsive based on previous answers). We also allow complex questions, triggers, confirmations and notifications. Plus Premium Plan members receive unlimited changes, all included in their flat monthly subscription. Premium Plan members can…

Tips on Valuing Your Time

Like most people, you probably wonder where your time goes and what it’s worth. The two simple exercises below may seem tedious, but if completed honestly and fully, they can make a big difference to your life. Where does my time go? The easiest way to look at where your time goes, is to analyse…