QR Codes Available

QR codes have quickly become part of our everyday lives. We can now offer you QR codes to direct patients to your profile and forms. What are QR Codes? QR (Quick Response) codes are those black and white square barcodes you see at the entrance of many places like shops, schools and restaurants. Your smartphone’s…

Who can Join Anaesthetic Group?

To be eligible to join Anaesthetic Group you must be a registered Anaesthetist.Local and International Anaesthetists are welcome to join our website. Are you from overseas? International Anaesthetists should choose the Premium Plan so you can customise the questionnaire. For example you can remove the Medicare questions and also change the language used. Free Plans…

Which Feedback Form Should I Choose?

We have two types of feedback form available to our members. These are the: By default, all new members are assigned the Patient Experience Survey, which is our most popular post-op form. Our survey fulfils ANZCA’s requirements for continuing professional development for “Practice Evaluation”. More info here Why would I use Patient Experience Surveys? Using…

Anaesthetist Efficiency & Tips

We work with a large number of anaesthetists, and we’ve gathered some very useful insight over the years. When you sign up to our service, you become part of our community. Helping anaesthetists enjoy greater efficiency and success is our number one priority. We make it our business to continually research best practice, so you…