QR Codes Available

QR codes have quickly become part of our everyday lives. We can now offer you QR codes to direct patients to your profile and forms. What are QR Codes? QR (Quick Response) codes are those black and white square barcodes you see at the entrance of many places like shops, schools and restaurants. Your smartphone’s…

Can You Help With Patient Billing?

Whilst we can’t issue or manage physical bills for you, we can help with the process. We can help you accept online and mobile payments through a payment link, using a service like Stripe. Read more at https://anaestheticgroup.com.au/help/patient-pre-anaesthetic-payments/ In addition, we can help you streamline your billing process. Read on to find out more. Our…

How Am I Charged?

We believe in making things easier for you, not complicating them. As such, you can rest assured that our service is as straight-forward as possible. You’ll pay nothing but your monthly fee, with no charge for joining us, or leaving us. Pricing and payment Our pricing is in $AUD, and includes 10% GST tax. You…

Do You Offer Discounts?

Yes. We have a discount available as a reward for telling others about us. With every monthly plan payment your friend pays, you receive 10% of their plan value, as a discount to your own plan. Read more here. If your friend signs up and pays for a $65 monthly plan, you’ll receive a $6.50 discount…

How Do I Pay?

You can pay by Mastercard, Visa, PayPal or American Express.There are no credit card or transaction fees. If you need to change the card details on file please fill in this secure form or feel free to call us.