Dr Daniel Foong
ACT - Canberra Specialist Anaesthetist (MBBS GDAAD MMed FANZCA)
Dr Daniel Foong is a Specialist Anaesthetist who will be working with your surgeon for your upcoming procedure.
About Dr Foong
As an Anaesthetist, Dr Foong is a medical specialist who uses expert medical training to keep you safe and comfortable during your operation.
Dr Foong is an Australian trained doctor who graduated from the University of New South Wales. He completed specialist training with the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists working across regional NSW and the ACT. He then completed subspecialty fellowships:
* Regional Anaesthesia (Nerve Blocks) - Fiona Stanley Hospital, WA
* Paediatric Anaesthesia - Queensland Children’s Hospital, QLD
* Aeromedical Retrieval Medicine - Southcare, ACT
Dr Foong currently works across the Canberra region in both public and private hospitals.
What does an Anaesthetist do?
The role of the Anaesthetist is to keep you safe and comfortable before, during and after your surgical procedure. Anaesthesia is a critical component of your surgical journey. All Anaesthetists are trained to a very high standard to ensure safety and vigilance within the operating theatre. As well as the provision of anaesthesia, Anaesthetists are specialists in airway management, IV access, regional anaesthesia, resuscitation and pain management.
Safety and anaesthesia

There is no safer place in the world to undergo anaesthesia than Australia.There are some common side effects of anaesthesia which include a sore throat, nausea and vomiting and occasionally some bruising from IV cannulation.
More serious complications include dental injury, allergic reactions, aspiration, awareness and heart and lung complications - fortunately these risks are extremely rare, if they are to occur you are in a very safe environment in the operating theatre with a highly skilled team. If you have any concerns, do not hesitate to ask.
Preparing for your anaesthetic
To provide you with the safest anaesthetic possible, it is essential to have your full medical and surgical history. In order to assist with this, all patients are requested to complete the Pre-Op Questionnaire.
Fasting before your procedure is critical. You should fast from food for a minimum of 6 hours. You can sip on clear fluid (water, black tea or clear, pulp-free juice) up to 2 hours before your procedure. For children under 12, please refer to the following Australian guidelines: https://www.childrens.health.qld.gov.au/health-a-to-z/preparing-for-surgery-fasting
Anaesthesia fees
Anaesthesia fees are charged separately to hospital and surgical fees due to the specialist nature of this service.
Depending on the way your procedure is being funded you may be charged an out of pocket payment for anaesthesia which will vary depending on the complexity and duration of your procedure. Dr Foong's fees are significantly less than those suggested by the Australian Medical Association but appropriate to cover the expertise which goes into your care.
Dr Foong uses Anaemate by TCI Health Pty Ltd for anaesthesia fees, they will contact you before your procedure with an estimated cost and invoice.

Dr Daniel Foong
Dr Daniel Foong is an Anaesthetist based in ACT - Canberra Australia.
Pre-Op Questionnaire for Dr Daniel FoongPatient Experience Survey for Dr Daniel Foong
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